
PAIS Annual Sports Day 2022

PAIS Annual Sports Day 2022

Pan-Asia International School’s Annual Sports Day was held last November 10-11, 2022 with the theme: “Sport is Peace.”

Our sports day started with a parade led by our PAIS marching band and was followed by the opening ceremony at the football field. After the opening ceremony, we witnessed the biker’s lane exhibition by our brothers and sisters from the kindergarten department and then it was followed by the bleacher yell, mass dance, cheerdance, fun games and the sports games.

On the second day of our Sports Day, we started with some stretching and zumba to get their bodies warmed up and moving before resuming all the sports games. We have also witnessed the modern dance from each house color, the kindergarten parachute performance, and the presentation of Mr and Ms Sports Day.

Before we announce winners for the overall champion, a tug of war between the facilitators and students where the students won.

This year’s Sports Day, the Red Team was awarded the overall champion! The Blue team was awarded second place while the Yellow team and Green team were 3rd and 4th place, respectively.

We would like to thank everyone for making this event successful. Also, we would like to appreciate Samitivej Children’s Hospital for their support during the two-day event.