A success story, from Pan Asia International School to the 50th best business school in the world, Hult International Business School! Congratulations to our eager and hard-working student Patrick Andersen for being one of the five students from Thailand to get accepted to Hult International Business School, and the only one to get offered a $100,000 scholarship. As Tim Fargo once said, who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today! May this new chapter of life bring you new passion and inspirations.

After a long journey of hard-work, our enthusiastic student Leena Chidcherdwong got accepted to Mae Fah Luang University, Bachelor of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine! Warmest congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure. Keep up the good work 😊 !!!

From PAIS to Chulalongkorn University! Our dearest student Narramon Isarasena Na Ayutthaya got accepted at Chulalongkorn University, International Program in Design and Architecture. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished! Remember the past, live in the present and look forward to the future 😊 !!!

Congratulations to our passionate and ambitious student Thunpicha Chuaythai for getting accepted at one of the most prestigious fashion schools in the world, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA), with a scholarship of $15,000. In 2016, NABA has been ranked the 19th in the Business Fashion – Global Fashion School Rankings. Keep on shining and adding to the goodness and beauty in this world. We wish you all the best on your next adventure 😊!!