
Pan-Asia International Day 2018

Pan-Asia International Day 2018

The Pan Asia International School recently celebrated its annual International Day last Saturday, October 6, 2018 at the auditorium and the school ground. The event, with its theme “Arts Around the World” showcased production numbers from the primary department and booths from the middle and high school department.

The PPFC also put up booths for food and other merchandise to add variety to the celebration. The festivities started with a presentation from the KG and Primary Department. Grade 5 Tanya and Ghaleb took us to a trip of a lifetime to start the show. Grade 3 marches their way with their Marching Bands and parade celebrating American culture and music. The Nursery and Kindergarten 1 students followed with an enchanting Diwali dance presentation of India, with almost the entire act with no lights, highlighting their act on stage. The Grade 5 students followed with the Soran Bushi Traditional Japanese Fisherman dance. The Grade 4 students presented the Syrtaki dance and Greek art and Architecture.

The Kindergarten 2 showcased New Zealand while Kindergarten 3 brought their sombreros and Mexican dance to stage. The school was transported back in time during the brief history of Italian arts presented by Grade 2. Grade 1 students wrapped up the presentation with their Bailar Español dance.

The Middle and High School gave everyone a treat and a tour on their booths representing their countries. China even had a dragon dance which help them bagged the first place for the high school. England won the best booth for the middle school. Parents and staff put up food stalls in the center court to accommodate visitors and introduce their local food to all.